The purpose of this post is to respond to emails/comments appealing for help. Kindly be informed that we are just a handful of volunteers who are using our spare time (yes, we are all working full time) to take care of the cats and dogs at the shelter.

We need all the help we can get to care for these animals.

However, due to limited manpower and resources (our sanctuary is operating at optimal capacity and taking in addition animals may compromise the existence of our sanctuary), we would not be able to accede to many of your requests for assistance.

There are many other organisations offering the assistance of various natures. Kindly refer to CWS FAQ that offers tips on how you can help the animals that you come across or have picked up.

With the above in mind, please be informed that we are NOT able to:

1) Rescue sick stray cats and dogs as we are all volunteers with work commitments. (If you really care for the cats or dogs, we would appreciate if you can rescue them first and bring them to the vet before seeking further assistance. You can engage a professional cat trapper to rescue the cat: CWS GET HELP

2) Rehome the cats and dogs that you have picked up as our sanctuary is running at optimal capacity. As we have made the commitment to care for our cats and dogs, we would not risk forced closure of our sanctuary by AVA due to complaints of overcrowding.

3) Take in your cats or dogs for a variety of reasons such as a newborn baby, suspected allergies, moving to smaller apartments, moving out of this country etc. due to the reason stated in Point (2) above. At our discretion, we may post your appeals on our Facebook site to see if any friends on our list can help you but you will need to provide complete information such as links to photos and videos as well as your contact numbers.

4) Subsidised for medical/hospitalisation fees of cats and dogs which you have rescued. Truth be told, our operating cost is running into the thousands monthly and it was wholly paid for by our founder members and well-wishers. This is excluding sterilisation and medical fees incurred by our in-house residents. Thus, it would be difficult for us to assist you as our commitments to our cats and dogs come first.

5) Post on SAYANG OUR COMMUNITY CATS to seek help

Thank you.